There are many, many songs about love in both of our songbooks, Rise Up Singing and Rise Again. So if you're looking for love songs there are many ways to find them!

There is a "Love" chapter in each book. You can peruse the list of the songs in this "Love" chapter of each book here: Rise Up Singing and  Rise Again. There are cross-referenced list of lovesongs found in other chapters at the ends of these two chapters (on p130 in RUS & on p157 in Rise Again)

The large majority of popular songs are on the broad subject of love & intimate relationships (falling in love, long-lasting love, rotten lovers, painful breakups, etc.) 

The only popular music chapter as such in Rise Up Singing is "Golden Oldies". There are, in contrast, many different chapters of popular music by song genre in Rise Again. These include:

Here are some of our favorite love songs in our songbooks and "The Music Box":