This is a list of some of the groups that are working with us to build a better world through music.
Children's Music Network. Celebrates the positive power of music in the lives of children. They have a magazine called Pass It On and lots of online resources.
Peoples Music Network. This organization works to promote progressive social values through music and the arts. It was founded in 1977 by Charlie King. Pete Seeger was an active member. Others active Emma's Revolution, David Rovics, Nancy Schimmel, Magpie, Kim & Reggie Harris, Bonnie Lockhart, Cathy Winter, Si Kahn. They hold weekend gatherings every winter and June. Their Matt Jones Scholarship Fund provides scholarships for people of color and young people to take part in their gatherings.
Country Dance & Song Society. CDSS runs Pinewoods Camp during the summer which encourages participatory singing as well as many kinds of dance. They also have an online resource portal that includes a wealth of resources for singers and songleaders: www.cdss.org/resources/resource-portal/songThe Mudcat Cafe is a terrific resource for finding lyrics to songs, origins of songs, information about composers and recordings, and much more. It is basically a huge online discussion group / blog. Easily searchable with many thousands of posts. Get the answers to almost any question related to folk and roots music!
Local 1000 of the American Federation of Musicians. This is the union for traveling musicians. Most of the musicians we work with closely are members of this union including folks like John McCutcheon, Billy Bragg, Tom Chapin, Bill Harley, Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer, Bruce Molsky, Holly Near, Peter Yarrow, Bernice Reagon, Ian Robb, Tao Rodriguez-Seeger, Gordon Bok, Kim & Reggie Harris, Charlie King, John Flynn and Magpie among many others.
Labor Heritage Foundation. Keeps alive the use of music in labor unions and celebrates the rich history music has played in the labor movement. Has a terrific several day event called the Great Labor Arts Exchange every June.
Sing Out! was founded by Pete Seeger in 1950. It is put out by the same folk music nonprofit that published Rise Up Singing, the RUS Teaching Disks, and Pete's autobiography, Where Have All the Flowers Gone. They also have an important Resource Center in Bethlehem PA and are developing a new directory of community sings. You can also buy a leadsheet of any song in any issue ever printed for a dollar! The magazine is not currently publishing but the organization still exists and provides a lot of resources.
Highlander Research & Education Center. Supports people fighting for justice, equality & sustainability through out Appalachia and the South. They recently faced major arson on their property, a sign that they are still considered a threat by white supremacists in their region.
El Taller Latino Americano. Is a non-profit cultural arts center which has been celebrating and promoting the richness of Hispanic cultures since 1979. Hernardo Palumbo is founder and artisitc director.