Our new songbook containing words & chords to 1200 different songs from those in Rise Up Singing is complete. The book has been through a number of printing since its release in 2015. Countless fans of Rise Up Singing are enjoying this sequel after nearly 40 years!
We could not have made it through the three years we spent working on the book full-time without your faith in us and financial support!
Errors in Titles Index. The titles index was completed right before the book went to press. Unfortunately we discovered as soon as the book came out that there was a signficant data conversion issue in the titles index that caused about 50 songs to be listed with the wrong chapter & page number. You can download here an errata sheet for the titles index. A corrections sheet for the titles index was included in each order of the first pritning. The titles index errors have been corrrected in the second printing of both size formats of the book. We are in the process of identifying and correcting other errors in the book. Please contact us at info@riseupandsing.org if you find other mistakes. These will be posted on this site in the future.
E-book: We are working with our publisher (Hal Leonard) creating an e-book version of Rise Again. It will have only one song on each page to enhance legiblity and functionality. We do not know the exact release date.
Searchable Song Database - We have created a searchable online database on this website called "The Music Box" that enables you to find links to tunes for all of the songs in the book. We are working on explanding The Music Box to include lists of recording artists for specific songs, artist pages with info on the artists and links to their own website or wiki pages, additional background information on the songs, translations, alternate versions, etc. (We will also add Rise Up Singing and Pete's autobiography to this database in the future.)