**Special thank you gift! Receive a free "How Can I Keep from Singing" bumper sticker with any donation! REQUEST YOUR FREE BUMPER STICKER  (free shipping in US).

Please consider joining us in our work to create hope and change through song with a contribution. You can do this in any of three different ways:

  • Make a ONE-TIME GIFT to us directly on this site DONATE NOW (Note: this is not a tax-deductible gift.)
  • DONATE VIA CHECK (saving credit card fees so all of your gift goes directly to us).
    Make out the check to "Rise Up & Sing" & mail it to 42 Jenks St, Amherst MA 01002. (This is also not tax-deductible.)
  • Make an ongoing MONTHLY DONATION via Patreon.
  • Make a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATION via our fiscal sponsor, CTA (Creative Thought and Action).

More information on contributions to our work:

You can also help out by:

  • spreading the word to others (especially those who have and like Rise Up Singing) about our new songbook and this website
  • setting up a fundraising concert (go to contact and click "Events")
  • making a loan to help Annie work on 3 upcoming recording projects. Email Annie at rasongbook@gmail.com.

Thank you so much for your help!  We deeply appreciate it.