by Ben Kramarz
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This wonderful book by veteran songleader Ben Kramarz is a must for anyone who wants to start leading singing or hone further their songleading skills.
Whatever setting you are working in—a classroom, camp, faith community, or peace and justice group—this book will help you use singing to empower participants, strengthen the bonds of community, and create hope and change.
Have you ever been to a concert where the artist sings a familiar song and everyone spontaneously starts to sing along? After a moment of surprise, you realize that everything suddenly feels different — the space has become a gathering of friends, a warm, cozy and peaceful place. That's what singing together is all about.
You don't have to be a rock star to create experiences like that — you just have to love to make music. This wonderful book reminds us why singing is one of the most important and meaningful of all human activities. And then it shows you how to make memorable musical moments come alive for you, and the members of your camp, school, church, synagogue, or community group.
"If you have ever wished you had a hammer, a bell, and a song, you need to read this book!" - Cantor Jeff Klepper
176 pp. e-book (as an acrobat/.pdf file)
Table of Contents
Introduction: Why Sing Together?
Chapter 1: Setting Your Intention
Chapter 2: Owning Your Repertoire
Chapter 3: Preparing the Place
Chapter 4: Preparing the People
Chapter 5: Listening & Awareness
Chapter 6: Teaching Songs
Chapter 7: Singing With Your Whole Body
Chapter 8: Using Songbooks & Other Visual Aids
Chapter 9: Singing With Children
Chapter 10: Empowering Others to Lead
Chapter 11: Continuing to Grow & Learn
Afterword: Change the World
Appendix (includes an extensive list of songs in Rise Up Singing and Rise Again that are ideal for group singing)