words & chords to 1200 more songs
from Annie Patterson & Peter Blood
the creators of Rise Up Singing
Note: Our publisher Hal Leonard has increased the list prices on this book sharply due to huge price increases in printing costs. The list price for this book is now $34.95 for the 7.5x10 format and $39.95 for the 9x12 format. We are keeping our prices for now at $29.95 & 34.95 at this time but will need to increase our own prices to the full list prices down the road. We make almost nothing on books you buy through other sources like Amazon.
After many years of planning and three years of full-time work by many hands, this sequel to Rise Up Singing was published by Hal Leonard in 2015. The format is the same as the one used in Rise Up Singing but Rise Again contains 1200 additional different songs from those in Rise Up Singing!
See the list of songs in the new book!
Don't know many of the songs? We have a songpage for every song in this book on this website where you can listen to videos of the song and learn the melody. Check out "The Music Box" (our online song database) at www.riseupandsing.org/songs/music-box
Learn more about the book's format, layout & illustration. You can read here Pete Seeger's preface to the new book.
Read about the history of the new book and Pete Seeger's role in the book.
Find out about the many "Rise Again" concerts that have been held celebrating the release of the new book. In many cases other artists who have songs in the new book have joined the book's creators, Annie Patterson & Peter Blood, in these concerts.
Have a singalong group? Or sing in your faith congregation, school or other setting? Order Rise Again by the carton. — We have routinely discounted 40% off list price on full box orders. The higher list prices for these somgbook raise what we pay for books. Our current box rates for Rise Again are under $22 for the small books and $25 for the large book, still nearly 40% off the list price. We appreciate your understanding.