Although our online store focuses primarily on music books, we do sell other books. Our current non-music catalog includes:
THE MOURNING ROAD TO THANKSGIVING by Larry Spotted Crow Mann. This moving award-winning novel traces on a 40 year old Nipmuc man's spiritual journey to healing with his family and his Indigenous community. 186pp. CrowStorm Publishing, 2016. (100% of receipts for this book go to author and Ohketeau Cultural Center.)
OUR LIFE IS LOVE: THE QUAKER SPIRITUAL JOURNEY, by Marcelle Martin. Describes in detail 10 elements of the journey with extensive quotes from both early & modern Friends around each element. Excellent for use in a spiritual formation of adult religious education study group.
A GUIDE TO FAITHFULNESS GROUPS by Marcelle Martin. Describes detailed instructions for ongoing small groups designed to help members of a faith community support each others' spiritual gifts and ministries.
WAGING PEACE: GLOBAL ADVENTURES OF A LIFE-LONG ACTIVIST by David Hartsough with Joyce Hollyday. with an Introduction by George Lakey. David was director of the Nonviolent Peaceforce for many years.