(The above video is from a program discussion with musician activists on May 3rd, 2020, on Pete Seeger's 101st birthday.)
"Singing & Activism: Where Do We Go from Here?"
Register here: /events/singing-activism
Admission is by a pay-as-led donation. All receipts will be shared by musicians on the panel.
We will be holding an online discussion on Zoom with Polly Wells & Candida Paltiel, creators of the award-winning documentary "We Began to Sing" along with a number of leading musician activists. The panel will include:
- Lea Gilmore leagilmore.net/
- Jane Sapp janesapp.org/
- Matt Div div1nemusic91.wixsite.com/website/bio
- Reggie Harris reggieharrismusic.com
- Sandy O & Pat Humphries of Emma's Revolution emmasrevolution.com
- Annie Patterson & Peter Blood riseupandsing.org/annie/music-bio
There will be a period of question and answer following the panel discussion.