Here is a search page where you can look up the location of songs in Rise Up Singing and Rise Again: riseupandsing.org/songs/search (shortcut = riseupanding.org/ss)
Find complete songlists for:
Rise Up Singing (one sorted alphabeetically by song title and a second one sorted by chapter & title as songs appear in the book)
Rise Again.(the same 2 kinds of lists)
If I Had a Hammer: A Peter Seeger Singalong Songbook:
Finding songs in our books. Rise Up Singing and Rise Again both use the same doubly alphabetized system of organizing songs: Chapters (which contain songs on the same subject or song genre) are arranged in alphabetical order. Within each chapter, songs are also arranged alphabetically by song title (with rare exceptions, mainly when 2 songs use the same tune).
As a result, if you remember what chapter a song is in, then you can go to it immediately without having to look up the page number in the index. However you may not remember or you may "guess wrong". So if you need them there are great indices in both books. You can search easily by title (which also includes alternative titles a song is often known by), artists, songs in languages other than English, Christmas songs, etc.
Artist Indices. For reasons of space the artist index in each book is not comprehensive. You can now easily search for songs by a given artitt in our books using our online artist search at
hriseupandsing.org/songs/artist-search (or via shortcut riseupandsing.org/as)
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