Our mission is to create hope and change through singing.

We help families, communities, and musicians:

  • Create a culture of singing as the birthright of all people
  • Learn songs that nurture social consciousness, compassion, empowerment, and resilience
  • Encourage people to sing with each other in a wide variety of settings
  • Provide the resources to help people use song in their homes, classrooms, faith communities, and social justice groups

We do this by:

  • Creating songbooks that are accessible to people with a wide range of musical experience and skill 
  • Teaching and sharing songs that help people to view themselves and the world in a new way - and to find the strength and compassion to work for fundamental change over the long haul.
  • Helping people find and connect with musicians, song circles, choruses, radio programs, and organizations that are bringing this music to the world
  • Maintaining and growing a website with a host of resources that promote these goals.

We are the creators of the songbooks Rise Up Singing, Rise Again, and If I Had a Hammer. (Peter also edited Pete Seeger’s autobiography Where Have All the Flowers Gone: A Singalong Memoir.)

We are constantly expanding “The Music Box”, our free online song database that contains over 3000 individual song pages with information and tunes to songs and over a thousand artist/composer pages. 

We maintain a song circle/singalong finder.

We have an online store that makes available songbooks and CDs, including over twenty Pete Seeger recordings. Our most popular group singing songbooks are available at deeply discounted bulk prices.

Our website and songbooks include a host of rich resources for teachers, librarians, musicians, workshop leaders, choral leaders, faith leaders, and social activists.

During the pandemic we send out a daily song of hope.