We are both active Friends. Peter grew up in Ann Arbor (MI) Friends Meeting. Annie's family was close to a Quaker family when she was growing up and joined Friends in 1983. We are currently members of Mt Toby Meeting in Leverett MA. Our Friends Meeting recognizes and supports our music work as a form of informal "ministry". A wonderful group of Friends from our meeting meets with us once a month to provide support and accountability for our work (to keep us headed in the right direction!)
We have travelled extensively among Friends in the US, Canada, Britain, and New Zealand, leading concerts at more than a hundred Quaker different Quaker meetinghouses. We have also often led group singing at Quaker national gatherings as well as at yearly meetings (annual regional Quaker gatherings), retreat centers, and many Friends Schools and summer camps.
Some of the Yearly Meetings we have provided music at include:
- Britain
- Canadian (provisional planning for August 2016)
- Iowa (Conservative)
- Lake Erie
- New England
- New York
- New Zealand
- Pacific
- Palmetto Friends Gathering
- Philadelphia
Quaker retreat centers we have done retreats at include:
- Pendle Hill (Wallingford PA)
- Powell House (Old Chatham NY)
- Quaker Center (Ben Lomond CA) - we are next leading a retreat in Sept 2015
- Quaker Hill (Richmond IN)
- Woodbrooke (Birmingham, England)
- Woolman Hill (Deerfield MA)
Peter has a website called www.inwardlight.org with writings on Quakerism.