I like your suggestion of using the Ella’s Song (RA Freedom) as a chorus:
- We who believe in freedom cannot…
- We who work for justice cannot…
- We who believe in health care cannot...
So here is the “cheat sheet” I keep handy that you asked me to send you. If I am planning for an action or a rehearsal, I reorder the list to essentially create a set list — which, of course, we ignore. :-)
Usually start with Singing for Our Lives as it is easy to learn and a nice warmup song as it isn’t too vocally challenging.
Singing for our Lives (RUS Struggle)
- We Are A Gentle Angry People
- We are a Peaceful, loving
- We are Jews, Gentiles and Muslims
- We are a land of many colors
- We are all in this together
- We are Straight and trans together
- We are a land of many cultures
- We are a refugee people
- We are a justice seeking people
- We are an anti racist people
- We are young and old together
- We are gay and straight together
- We are and anti fracking people
- We are a gentle loving people
Dona Nobis (RUS Sacred Rounds)
Peace, Salaam, Shalom (Emma's Revolution)
- We believe in peace
- We shall work for peace
Give Light (RA Hope)
- Teach peace
- Stand together,
- Give love
- Give Light
This little light of mine (RUS Freedom)
- Every where that I may go
- In my daily work
- For the poor and hungry [folk?]
- Free of fear and hatred
- Shine that light around the world
- Standing all together now
- I won't let anyone blow it out, NO I'm gonna let it shine.
- We’re on our way, we won’t turn back
- Every day and every way
- All in our house
- Out in the dark
Peace like a river (RUS Sacred Rounds)
- Joy like a fountain
- Strength like a mountain
- Love like an ocean
Keep on Moving Forward (RUS Struggle)
- We're gonna keep on walking forward
- And we're gonna keep on walking proudly
- And we're gonna keep on singing loudly
- Light this night together
- Reach across our borders
- Work for change together
- Show our children courage
- Weave our lives with shining thread
- And we're gonna keep on loving boldly
Oh, Freedom (RUS Freedom)
- There’ll be justice…
- No more deportation…
- There’ll be singing..
- No more fracking...
- There’ll be joy…
- No more hunger
- There’ll be peace…
- No more worry...
- No more weeping…
- No more killing…
- No more fear…
If I had a hammer (RUS Struggle)
- bell
- song
We Shall Not Be Moved (RUS Work)
- We’re on the road to freedom
- Young and old together
- Walls cannot be bridges
- Women & Men together
- Gentiles, Jews & Muslims
- Truth (?)
- Split wood not atoms
- Everyone needs health care
- City and Country together
- No more fracking pipelines
- We’re fighting for our children
- For public education
- All the way to Washington
- Straight & Gay together
- Black & White together
- Rainbows are for everyone
- We’re standing all together
- Don’t let the world deceive you
- My friends will not forsake me
- ______ is not our leader
- When our burdens heavy
- The union is behind us
We shall not give up the fight, we have only started (3x) (RA Freedom)
- We shall not give up on peace, we have...
- We’ll put an end to bigotry, we have...
- Together we’ll have victory, hand holding hand (3x)
- Never ever put to flight, we are bound to win (3x)
The Tide is Rising
The tide is rising, and so are we! (3x)
This is where we are called to be (2x)
- The storm is raging...
- The task is mighty...
- The land is holy...
- The sun is shining...
- The world is ready...
- The tide is rising…
We Shall Overcome (RUS Freedom)
- We'll walk hand in hand,
- We shall live in peace,
- The truth will keep us free
- We shall all be free,
- We’ll shall stand together
- We are not alone
- The truth will make us free
- We’re on to victory
- We shall live in peace
- We are not afraid
Gonna lay down my sword and shield, down by the riverside... (RUS Peace)
- … my heavy load
- … stop the pipeline
- … pickup the refugees
- … stand up for deportees
- … find hope for all the world
Turning of the world (RUS Unity)
Let us sing this song for the turning of the world
That we may turn as one
With every voice, with every song, we will move this world along
And our lives will feel the echo of our turning
With every voice, with every song, we will move this world along (2x)
And our lives will feel the echo of our turning
Verses: for turning / turn, substitute:
- loving, love
- healing / heal
- dreaming / dream
- dancing / dance
Look to the People (RUS Struggle)
We'e gonna look to the people for courage in the hard times coming ahead
We’re gonna sing and shout, we’re gonna work it out
In the hard times coming ahead
With people’s courage (3x) / We can make it (RUS Struggle)
- Lovin’
- Laughter
- Justice
- Music
I'm Going to Lift My Sister Up
I'm gonna lift my sister up, she is not heavy (3x)
If I don't lift her up (3x) I will fall down
- Brother, Mother, Father, people, etc.
- I’m gonna lift up Standing Rock, they are my people
- I’m gonna lift up the refugees, they are my people
- I’m gonna lift up the deportees, they are my people
There is more love somewhere (2x)
I’m gonna keep on ’til I find it…
- … more hope
- … more peace
- … more joy
- … more love right here
I am so glad that I found it...
Ain’t gonna let nobody turn me ‘round
Turn me round (2x)
Ain’t gonna let nobody turn me round
I’m gonna keep on a-walking, keep on a-talking
Marchin’ up to freedom land
or: Gonna build a brand new world (RUS Freedom)
- …no hatred
- …injustice
- …no jail cell
- …no injunction
- …racism
Down in the valley to pray (as I went down…) (RA Gospel)