Many parents sing regularly with their children! Countless people have come up to us over the years telling us that they were raised singing out of our songbooks Rise Up Singing & Rise Again with their families.
Lullabies. Parents have been singing their children to sleep for millenia. There are hundreds of great lullaby CDs. Watch for some of our favorites here...
Children's Music. There are hundreds (thousands!) of wonderful recordings of children's songs that can be used not only to entertain children but to teach them songs and get the singing along with the recordings. Here are a few of our favorite artists:
- Pete Seeger. We sell 4 different children's albums that are particularly good for children ages 4-7. Lively & engaging recordings!
- Woody Guthrie. Made a series of recordings for his children. These are available on Smithsonian Folkways: Songs to Grow On, Nursery Days - also Little Seed (Eliz. Mitchell singing Woody's kids songs)
- Cathy Fink & Marcy Marxer. Master kids musicians. Their work appeals to a wide age range - early toddlers thru elementary. They've done tons of work in schools in the past.
- Sarah Pirtle. One of those who helped get Chilrden's Music Network going. Her CDs were favorites of our children as well as Pete's. Funny, playful, simple recordings. She has also done camps for teenage girls.
- Sally Rogers. Another leading light in PMN over the years.
- Kim & Reggie Harris. Did countless workshops & concerts relating to the Underground Railroad for many years. They have recordings available of these songs including "Get On Board" and "Steal Away".
- Bill Harley. His thought-provoking and often humorous songs are especially appealing to older kids (7 to 11?)
- Two of a Kind. David & Jenny Heitler-Klevans bring energy & fun to their videos, recordings, and concerts with elementary age children.
Music Together has been organizing classes for parents to sing with their infants and toddlers across the country for many years.