Annie Patterson & Charlie King performed An Evening of Irish Songs via Zoom on March 17, 2021

(RUS=Rise Up Singing, RA=Rise Again)

  1. Whiskey in the Jar (A&C) trad. RA p.222

  2. Matty (C)

  3. Almost Every Circumstance (A) RA p.147

  4. Sonny’s Dream (A&C) RA p.242

  5. Reel in the Flickering Light (C)

  6. Work of the Weavers (A&C) RUS p.261

  7. McKeown & I (C)

  8. Do You Love an Apple (A&P) RUS p.122

  9. Red Is the Rose (A&P) RUS p.127

  10. Finnegan’s Wake © RUS p.85

  11. Lady of the Harbor (A&P)

  12. Your Daughters & Your Sons (A&C) RUS p.221

  13. Wild Mountain Thyme (All) RUS p.157