Jim Schultz is a singer-songwriter who writes folk ballads with biblical references.  His meeting (Conscience Bay on Long Island) has written a minute supporting his music ministry.  Check out his songs about “Geezers for Jesus” on Youtube & "Godtube.com

John Sheldon of Warwick (England) Meeting is a classically trained musician and choral leader who has been encouraging spirit-led group singing among British Friends for many years. He has been active in the Leaveners (the British arts organization). He was the editor of the 1981 Quaker Song Book and the 2005 Sing in the Spirit: A Book of Quaker Songs. He led a workshop at the 2006 FGC Summer Gathering in Takoma WA. He led and conducted the choral oratorio The Fire and the Hammer (about the life of George Fox) at New England Yearly Meeting in 2011 and at FGC Summer Gathering in 2012

Niyonu Spann is a powerful a capella song leader.  She is a member of "Tribe One" (see below under ensembles). She leads a program called “Beyond Diversity 101”: www.bd101.org

Susan Stark is a member of Clear Creek (IN) Meeting, now living in Pleasant Hill, TN.  Susan is one of Friends' most gifted & inspirational singer-songwriters & song leaders. Her singing has blessed numerous Quaker gatherings, including FGC. She's recorded 4 albums, including "Phoenix Sings at Sundown~Lullabies for All AgesWe were blessed to hear many of the songs from the new CD she is working on in our home recently!   For booking info or to order her recordings, contact PILCIR Productions ~ Susan Stark Music c/o "Carol Savery or Susan herself.

Donald Swann (1923-1994) became a Quaker in England during World War II. He was a conscientious objector and served with the Friends Ambulance Unit in Egypt, Palestine and Greece. He joined forces with Michael Flanders to form the popular musical duo, Flanders & Swann, best known for their albums, "At the Drop of a Hat" and "At the Drop of Another Hat".  Donald also wrote a number of sacred works and came to Pendle Hill several times as artist-in-residence.  His website at donaldswann.co.uk has detailed information on his published music, recordings & life.

Paul Tinkerhess of Ann Arbor (MI) Meeting is a wonderful singer, songwriter and banjo player.  He performs at peace and justice rallies and has led done a masterful job leading singing at plenary sessions at Friends General Conference.  Email Paul

Ben Tousley.  Ben Tousley now lives in Western Mass and is a member of Mt Toby Friends Meeting (NEYM).  Ben has several recordings and appeared in coffeehouses across New England. See his website: bentousley.com

Jon Watts is a Quaker spoken word poet and producer who tours the country on his bicycle visiting Quaker Schools and Meetinghouses.  His website is jonwatts.com. His Dance Party Erupts During Meeting for Worship video (above), filmed in the meeting room at Pendle Hill has gotten over 125,000 hits on You-tube!

Adrienne Young is a Charlottesville VA-based singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist. She is a member of Dover NH Meeting. She appeared in 2006 on Prairie Home Companion. Facebook Wiki Youtube NPR Artists page