Kate MacLeod of Salt Lake City UT is a songwriter, fiddler, vocalist, music instructor and workshop leader. 2 of her songs have appeared in Sing Out! Magazine. Her song "Alaska" was recorded by Laurie Lewis in 2004. katemacleod.com 

Lisa Markley of Dallas Mtg is a member of folk feminist trio "The Malvinas": themalvinas.com.  

John McCutcheon is a member of Charlottesville (VA) Meeting.  John was the founding head of Local 1000 - the American Federation of Musicians traveling musicians' union that we (Annie & Peter) are members of, peace activist & premier folk performer. John recorded the "Mountain Voices" chapter for Rise Up Singing Teaching Disks. He got to know Friends in part through performing at summer gatherings of Friends General Conference. John’s artist page on this site lists songs in our songbooks that he has composed or performed. His website is folkmusic.com.

Eric McEuen of West Hills Friends Church (NWYM) performed as a singer-songwriter & lead guitarist in Boston & Albuquerque before moving to Portland OR. He currently hosts a weekly open mic at a restaurant. Listen to Eric on bandcamp or myspace.

Paulette Meier, a member of Community Meeting in Cincinnati OH, has just released her powerful Gregorian chant-like rendering of early Quaker quotes on a new CD, "Timeless Quaker Wisdom in Plain Song". She was Artist in Residence at Pendle Hill in 2004-5. Her website paulettemeier.com describes her work with school-age children around peacemaking & Quaker Testimonies.  She has led workshops at Quaker gatherings & schools on "Telling our Spiritual Stories through Song".  The annual gathering Quaker Spring helped to nurture Paulette’s powerful music ministry and minuted its recognition of her gifts in this work.  Contact her via her website about leading a performance or workshop using her Quaker plainsong at your yearly meeting, conference or a church in your area!

Mary Miche is an active children's performer & member of Strawberry Creek Meeting & Berkeley Friends Church.  Check out her website at marymiche.com.

Carrie Newcomer is an incredible singer-songwriter from Bloomington IN. See her website: carrienewcomer.com and an interview on Pure Music about her music. (Her husband Robert Meitus is an intellectual property attorney.) 

Evalyn Parry is a member of Ottawa Meeting and an award-winning theater creator and singer-songwriter. She has released several terrific edgy CDs and performs widely across North America.  evalynparry.com (be sure you spell "Evalyn" correctly!)

Sarah Pirtle is a fine children's musician who attends Northampton (MA) Meeting and has frequently lent her musical talents to Quaker gatherings and camps.  She is a former editor of Pass It On the Children's Music Network newsletter and devotes herself educating young people about issues such as nonviolence and diversity issues through music and workshops.  Sarah's website is at sarahpirtle.com. (Sarah’s artist page on this site)

Tom Rawson, a member of Salmon Bay Friends Mtg in Seattle, is a folksinger & storyteller, who does benefit concerts for peace & social justice organizations throughout the Northwest. Tom leads singing at plenary sessions at North Pacific YM and for regional Fellowship of Reconciliation conferences at Seabeck WA. See Tom's website tomrawson.com and his interview on Northern Spirit Radio.

Joyce Rouse of Nashville Mtg performs as Earth Mama earthmama.org. She is an environmental entertainer who uses song and humor to teach concepts like ecospirituality and sustainable living. She creates music in a variety of styles from pop to blues.