First Line: 
A Fire is burning, the long night draws near



About the Song

Print source: 
Cypress Choral Music

A Fire is burning, the long night draws near
All who need comfort are welcome by here
We'll dance 'neath the stars & toast the past year
For the spirit of solstice is still living here

We'll count all our blessings while the mother lays down
With the snow as her blanket covering the ground
Thanks to the mother for the life that she brings
She'll waken to warm us again in the spring

The poor & the hungry, the sick & the lost
These are our children no matter the cost
Come by the fire rhe harvest to share
For the spirit of solstice is still living here

(repeat 1st verse)

- lyrics & music by Kim Baryluk. (c) 2018 Cypress Choral Music. All rights reserved.

From the Wyrd Sisters' discontinued cassette "Leave a Little Light".

The song is usually sung a cappella. Here are the chords Merrigan uses: Em D Bm C (3x) Em D - Em 

You can order the sheet music for the song at