Alternate Title: 
Red and Green
First Line: 
I dreamed the old dream just last night

Artist & Tune

Composed by: 



About the Song

I dreamed the old dream just last night
   Red and Green, and going home
I dreamed of no wars left to fight
   Red and Green, and going home
C - F  C - - / - - F  G - F / C - F  C - G / C - G  C - - 
I dreamed of those who know no rest…
The refugee, the dispossessed…

And submarines plowshared the sand…
And factories turned to fertile land…

We heal the sick and the insane...
The leper and the limousine…

We saw our likeness in each face…
And with each kindness, gathered grace…

Ah, these are old dreams, nothing new…
Of yet to come, nonetheless true...

- lyrics & music (c) Robb Johnson

From the CD collection titled Margaret Thatcher: My Part in her Downfall, by Robb Johnson & the Irregulars