Artist & Tune
Version by Charlie King
Version by Ben Grosscup
About the Song
By the latest estimation, black men in the prime of life
Due to mass incarceration, taser, chokehold, gun & knife
Notwithstanding loud entreaties falling on disdainful ears
Now are an endangered species one in six have disappeared
(a cappella or in C capo 2)
C F G Am / Em - F C :// G - F C / F - C G / 1st 2
Father, brother, son or lover one in six have disappeared
Stolen lives we can’t recover one in six have disappeared
Every home bereft or broken, every bond that we hold dear
All the love that’s left unspoken one in six have disappeared
Elder, mentor, willing student one in six have disappeared
Damned by forces juris prudent one in six have disappeared
Master, journeyman, apprentice, pacifist or bombardier
Teacher, lawyer, doctor, dentist one in six have disappeared
Out in Ferguson Missouri two in five have disappeared
Numbers tell a harder story two in five have disappeared
Genders equal at beginnin’, if they live past teenage years
Sixty men, one hundred women two in five have disappeared
Ends the song that’s sung in sorrow one in six have disappeared
Even if we change tomorrow one in six have disappeared
Reparations and repentance, justice rendered, life revered
Still we hear the heavy sentence one in six have disappeared
Lyrics by Charlie King, music by Rick Burkhardt © 2015 Pied Asp Music & Rick Burkhardt