Alternate Title: 
Bring in the Year of Jubilee (Psalm 37)
First Line: 
The meek will inherit the earth



About the Song

This song is on the Porter's Gate Climate Vigil Songs album.The meek will inherit the earth (2x)The first will be last & the last will be firstThe meek will inherit the earthThe wicked will lose what they stole (2x)And all that they thought they could own & controlThe wicked will lose what they stoleJubileeNow is the year of His [or God's] favorJubileeRest for the weary creationNow bring in the year of JubileeTurn now from evil to good (2x)Then we will dwell in the land as we shouldTurn now from evil to goodThe earth will sigh with reliefThe earth's gonna sigh with reliefThere's more than enough for the hungry to feedThe earth will sigh with reliefJubileeNow is the year of His favorJubileeRest for the weary creationJubileeNow is the year of His favorJubileeRest for the weary creationNow bring in the year of JubileeBring in the year (3)Bring in the year of Jubilee- by Paul Zach, Leslie Jordan, Natalie Taylor Leonhardt, Isaac Wardell, Wendell Kimbrough, Nicholas Chambers, Jessica Fox, Kate BluettBring in the Year of Jubilee (Psalm 37) lyrics © Integrity's Praise! Music, Integrity's Alleluia! Music, Little Way Creative, Black Mtn Music, Paul Zach Publishing, Pg Songs And Hymns, Running Club Anthems. All rights reserved. The Jubilee Year is an revolutionary idea expressed in the 25th chapter of Leviticus. It says that every 50 years there is to be a radical return to equality within the nation. This same prophetic message is summed up in Isaiah 61:1-3. This is the passage that Jesus reads from the scroll in the synagogue in Nazareth at the very outset of his mimistry in Luke 4:14-21.Psalm 37 is not explicitly about Jubilee, but it is about the message challenging the Hebrew people to treat others with justice that is woven through out the Hebrew prophets like Isaiah, Amos, and Micah. The song's authors draw on a number of lines in Psalm 37 for the verse's of "Jubilee".