p. 106

Artist & Tune

Composed by: 



About the Song

There is no "correct" version of this song. Every Cajun band seems to have its own version. 
We have provided what seems to be the earliest version, recorded in 1929 by the Breaux Brothers. We have also included lyrics similar to those in Michael Doucet's more recent recordings.



Pretty Blonde (Girl)

Pretty blonde, where are you, dear baby?
You told me you can love me
But what did you do after, pretty girl. You know better, yes, mighty/mightily,*
Which future and which hope can I have
Pretty blonde, unhappy** little baby
What are you doing today?
You know me, I don't love only you in the country/area,
Let the others love me/ leave the others that I love.***

Translator notes:

    * I have no idea of what it may mean here "puissant" means mighty, powerful

    ** malheureuse (fem.) may mean "unhappy, miserable" or "unlucky" or "unfortunate" and I can't figure out, from the context, which one is actually meant here as it can be any.

    ***I don't know if "qui moi aimer" means "who love me" or "whom I love"