p. 246
First Line: 
The news came over the air tonight


About the Song

When Kim & Reggie perform "High Over the Hudson", they also sing several lines from Pete Seeger's song "Of Time & River Flowing" after each chorus of their song. You can hear them singing this way of doing the song in the second video here (the live one).

You can find the tune & lyrics of "Of Time & River Flowing" in Pete's autobiography Where Have All the Flowers Gone: A Songleader's Memoir. The lyrics are on the music box page for this song and in If I Had a Hammer, our new Seeger singalong songbook.

After 1st chorus Kim & Reggies sing:
"Of time & rivers flowing
The seasons make a song
And we who live beside her
Still try to sing along"

After the 2nd chorus they sing: 
"So many homeless sailors
So many winds that blow
I asked the half-blind scholars
Which way the currents flow"

"After the final chorus they sing:
And we who would join in
Can stand aside no longer
Now let us all begin!"