As with the amazing artwork that Loy Kore McWhirter and Annie Paterson created for Rise Up Singing, all the artwork in Rise Again is drawn by hand, created specifically for this songbook.
Noted Vermont woodblock artist, http://www.maryazarian.com/, designed and created a wonderful hand-colored print for the front cover of Rise Again.
Annie Patterson has drawn a unique drawing as the banner at the beginning of each of the 39 chapters in Rise Again, related to the theme of that chapter.
A team of artists (Annie along with Meghan Merker who has drawn line illustrations for Sing Out! Magazine for over twenty years and Pioneer Valley artist Mona Shiver) have created lovely fanciful drawings to fill spaces through out the book, also related to the themes of each chapter.
The new songbook has the same unique "home-grown" feel as Rise Up Singing!