Primary Song Genres: 

Elizabeth Mitchell (b. 1968) is an American singer songwriter born in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, now based with her family in the Catskill Moutains of NY. She records and performs with her extended family band You Are My Flower, which includes her husband Daniel Littleton and their eleven year old daughter, Storey.

Mitchell included a tender cover of this Sally Rogers' song on her "Blue Clouds" album. She wrote this about her recording about her recording of this song:

"We recorded this song as a tribute to [Elizabeth's daughter] Storey’s cousin Destry Sage Stephens-Marner, a beautiful and loving little girl who passed away last summer at the age of four. Destry’s family is part of a tight-knit community in the western slope of colorado, and they have come together to create the Destry Sage Celebration Art Project in her memory. We made this recording of Sally Rogers’s beautiful song to be part of a compilation called take her by the hand. The compilation will help to raise funds for the creation of a celebration life sculpture in Destry’s name in the courtyard of the library in Palisade, Colorado. Family friend Dave Grossman wrote these words of sweet Destry: '(she was) full of ebullient grace, prinkle skies, and vast wonderment…. her lively sense of color, vibrant art, and outfits shamed the rainbows.'"




Songs recorded or performed

Circle of the Sun RUS: Home p. 107
Froggie Went a Courtin' RUS: Play p. 168
Little bird, little bird RA: Play p. 213
Peace Like a River RUS: Sacred p. 195
This World Is Not My Home RUS: Gospel p. 97
Turn, Turn, Turn (Toshi Seeger)
Why O Why? RUS: Home p. 113
Winter's come & gone RA: Outdoors p. 196
You Are My Sunshine RUS: Golden p. 83