(This minute was adopted by our faith congregation in support of our music work.)

Dear Friends,

This letter is written in affirmation and support of the public ministry of Annie Patterson and Peter Blood. At our meeting for business on November 9, 2014, we approved the following:

We acknowledge Annie Patterson and Peter Blood’s profound, Spirit-led, and decades-long work to share the power and joy of song with communities across the U.S. and beyond.

Peter and Annie have prayerfully considered, and been strongly led, to devote themselves to the creation of a new songbook, similar in format to their Rise Up Singing. Annie writes, "It will be a collection of 1200 songs that inspire hope, songs that teach us about social justice, and songs that tell stories our history books leave out." Peter writes, "It was again clear to us that God hopes for people to use song to grow closer to each other, be drawn into and sustained in work for change, and to experience spiritual change in our lives and communities." They are faithfully centering their lives around the creation of this book, and have remained steadfast despite numerous significant life challenges. Friends around the world have helped support this work. After it is published, they will travel to share the songs and their transforming power.

Mount Toby Friends Meeting has experienced Annie's and Peter's gifts through their messages in meeting, their service to the meeting community, and their sharing with us of their lives' journeys. Annie, in her work with Young Friends, has nurtured their voice and strength in our meeting. Peter has taught Quaker History in intergenerational First Day School and been active in the formation of the Climate Witness Committee. Both have been involved in organizing Mount Toby retreats and other community-building gatherings. These ministries are carried into their work with New England Yearly Meeting, among Quakers and in other communities, nationally and internationally. Through their openness in sharing their life challenges with us, they've invited us into deepened community life, helping us to see how hearts are knit together when we support one another and open ourselves to God's guidance.

With love and joy we support Peter and Annie's ministry. Annie & Peter are building hope and a better world through shared singing. We encourage Friends to join in and support this work as led.

                                                          Signed at the direction of Mount Toby Monthly Meeting

                                                         Andrew P. Grant, Clerk

                                                         November 9, 2014