About the Song
There’s about a billion little critters in a teacup
It’s about a million light years to the wall
It’s got me wondering what kind of heavenly mainframe
Gonna keep track of every sparrow that falls
Gonna get to know me enough to love me
I was lost in such inscrutable thought
“Come step into the holy circle”
That’s the simple little answer I got
G - / C G / - - / A D / 1st 2 / G - / D G
I step into the holy circle
I find friends waiting for me
I step into the holy circle
I get wise & I get free
All my life I was meant to be there
All my life I had turned away
I step into the holy circle
Goodbye lonely yesterday
G - / C G / G - / A D / G - / B C / G - / D G
Would you really like to drive yourself crazy?
Here’s a very easy way to do it my friend
Find the one thing you’re bound to fail at
And you do it over & over again
There is help but you got to ask for it
How come I could never figure that out?
I step into the holy circle
That’s the ticket they were talking about!
(modulate to A) Rolling right back to the first star gazer
Stretching all around the skin of the world
You’re gonna be amazed where you find your neighbor
Every boy, yes & every girl
Everybody looking for the genuine item
Everybody searching for the safest way home
Everybody trying to fill a hunger inside them
We were never meant to make it alone
lyrics & music by Charlie King © 1992 Pied Asp Music. Used by permission.
On his "Inside Out" CD & "So Far" collection.