First Line: 
Working on a ship, may never sail on 'er


About the Song

Working on a ship, may never sail on 'er}
Ship gonna sail, gonna sail someday
Working on a ship we may never sail on 'er
Gonna build it anyway

C - F C / - Am F G / C - F C / F G C -

John Brown said “Let our motto be action…”
Ship gonna sail, gonna sail someday
Sojourner Truth said “A'in’t I a woman?” 
Gonna build it anyway
Joe Hill said “Don’t mourn, organize!”
Ship gonna sail, gonna sail someday
Mother Jones said “Fight for the living”   
Gonna build it anyway  

Gene Debs said “While there’s a soul in prison…”
Ship gonna sail, gonna sail someday
Cesar Chavez said “Viva la helga!”
Gonna build it anyway
Martin Luther King said “I have a drem”
Ship gonna sail, gonna sail someday
Ella Baker said “Give light to the people"
Gonna build it anyway  

Paul Robeson said “No one can silence me!"
Ship gonna sail, gonna sail someday
Howard Zinn said “There’s no flag big enough"
Gonna build it anyway
Judi Bari said “Protect Mother Earth!"
Ship gonna sail, gonna sail someday
Phil Berrigan said “War is terrorism!”
Gonna build it anyway    

Utah Phillips said, “Singing thru the hard times…”
 Ship gonna sail, gonna sail someday
“Working for the good times” & “One Big Union!”
Gonna build it anyway
They’re all gone - we’re still building
Ship gonna sail, gonna sail someday
Hands & hearts & minds & muscle
Gonna build it anyway

- lyrics & music by Bruce ("Utah") Phillips. (c) All rights reserved.

These are new verses by Terry Leonino & Greg Artzner ("Magpie"). Used by permission. Magpie have been performing this great largely forgotten song of Utah Phillips. Watch for their recording coming soon!

Bruce sings it at the end of the above live recording. He sings it in B, so if you want to play along with him use these chords:

(up 4) G - C G / G Em C D - / G - C G / C D G -