First Line: 
There are songs that never ask you anything



About the Song

From Franke's album “In This Night”.

There are songs that never ask you anything
There are strings that beat against the wood
There are songs that ease the singer’s heart to sing
And that’s good
(up 2) C F C - / Am Em Dm G / C F Em Am / Dm - G -
-But there are words that change the way you look at things
-There are sounds that silence idle talk
-And there are songs that circle in your mind
-And seek your heart & find it
-And seize it like a hawk
C F C - / Am Em Dm G / C F Am / G Fmaj7 / G C - 

There’s a pain here that slowly slips away
There’s a love here that's leading us from darkness into day
There are stars here that fade against the light
They fall but it’s all right
There is a healing in this night

C F C - / Am Em Dm G / C F Am / G F / G C - 

There are trials that trick you into loneliness
There are tears that burn until their fall
There are needs that tear you when you turn away
When they call
-But there are hearts to hold you when you’ve done your best
-For the love you leave within their lives
-And there are friends to hear if you should cry
-To pray if you should die
-And there are songs that sing us all

There’ve been times when working for my sanity
In my mind I've seemed the only one
There’ve been days when no one seemed to understand
What I’ve done
-But there are ears to hear me in my softest voice
-There are hands to hold and point the way
-And there are men and women on this path
-To laugh if I should laugh
-To find me if I stray

 - lyrics & music by Bob Franke 
© 1989 Robert J. Franke, Telephone Pole Music, BMI. All rights reserved. Used by permission.