p. 29
First Line: 
To knights in the days of old


About the Song

lyrics by Hel­en H. Mill­er, 1920. Mill­er and Sall­ie Doug­las met at a YWCA con­fer­ence at the Sil­ver Bay As­so­ci­a­tion at Lake George in New York’s Ad­ir­on­dacks. This song, in­spired by Al­fred Tenn­y­son’s po­em Mer­lin and the Gleam, about the quest for the Ho­ly Grail, came out of their meet­ing. It won the 1920 Sil­ver Bay Prize at Bryn Mawr Col­lege, Penn­syl­van­ia.

music by Sal­lie H. Doug­las, 1915 
