Artist & Tune
Version by Libana
Version by Sophia
About the Song
The Earth is our mother,_we must take care of her
The Earth is our mother,_we must take care of her _
Heyana, hoyana, heyan-yan (2x)
Her sacred crown we walk upon with every step we take...
The Earth is mother, she will take care of us…
The Sky is our Father, we will take care of him...
The Sea is our Sister, we will take care of her..
The Forest is our Brother, we will take care of him...
It has been suggested that this chant is based on a Lakota (Plains) chant and elsewhere as coming from the Hupa tribe of Northern California. (Such attriubutions are difficult to validate.)
Note: We urge people to consider carefully issues of cultural and religious appropriation in utilizing material like this. At the very minimum acknowledge the issues involved when you utilize songs of this kind.