About the Song
In some parts of Florida, books that mention racism, gender identity, sexism or any kind of oppression have also recently been banned in schools. It’s a trend led by Republican elected officials that is not limited to Florida. Lawmakers from 36 states have introduced at least 137 bills in 2022 that seek to restrict teaching on topics ranging from gender to race and sexual identity, according a report by PEN America, a free speech group. That sum is a 150% increase from 2021, with most of the restrictions targeting teaching about race.
I remember Gramma’s face, she looked so sad and quiet
She /left one day without a trace, though all my folks deny it
Granddad hated Carrie Nation. It was rum that killed him
They say it skips a generation, better not tell the children.
Somewhere there’s a \box of letters, somewhere /there’s a diary
In a drawer beneath Mom’s sweaters, shielded from in\/quiry
Remember why the \old cat died, curiosity killed him
Some things are best kept inside, better not tell the children
Better not tell the children, why bring up the past
Better not tell the children, they are growing up \too \\fast
Better not tell the children, I hope they never ask
Perhaps someday, but ‘til then. Better not tell the children
Back in 1491 as Europe’s merchants hovered
One /hundred forty million souls lived happ’ly undiscovered
We brought them guns and germs and steel and it was all downhill then
One in ten lived to tell the tale, better not tell the children
Then we learned to line our pockets thanks to Old King Cotton
Slavery guaranteed the profits, some things are best forgotten.
Lincoln said he’d free the slaves, skipped a couple million
Jim Crow rose to dig their graves, better not tell the children
(bridge) Somewhere there’s a bill of sales, somewhere there’s a tally
Long-lost ledgers, tattled tales, whispers in the alley
Laws that sanctioned lynching mobs and disenfranchised millions
If you want to keep your job, better not tell the children
Better not tell the \children, it will only bring them shame
Better not tell the /children, they might think that they’re to blame
Better not tell the children, they might say we need to change they
Might think that we’re the villains. Better not tell the children
Better not tell the children, they might say we need to change
They just might be willin’. Better not tell the children