Artist & Tune
About the Song
Indigenous people
Shine your light - we are equal
I remember the days
When our prayers were illegal
I remember the days
When being Indian was lethal
Yeah, we had a rough past
But get ready for the sequel
Get ready for the glorious comback
Of our people
Rise up - all you warriors of love
All you answers to the prayers
Of our ancestors above
I can feel it in my heart
Can you feel it in your blood?
I can hear the seventh fire
Calling us to wake up
All nations rise
Rise up 'cause now's your time
We don't have to hide anymore
'Cause now's our time
With forgiveness as my bow
And my prayers as my arrows
I pull it back & let it go
Watch 'em fly like sparrows
Have hope
Yeah have hope
With compassion as my shield
And faith down to my marrow
I will walk the ___ path
Even when it gets narrow
Yes, you can bet
That we've seen the single mama
Raising children on the rez
We see domestic violence
Terror, power, we have
We've seen the alcohol
Taking all? and leave us dead
We've seen the children take their lives
When they can't take the dread
Anymore - it's a war
They can't take the dread anymore
No we can't take the drread anymore
It's a war
It's a war, but we've seen it all before
And we know we can change it
'Cause that's why we were born
We know that we are the ones
That we have been waiting for
We are the ones that grandma's been praying for
(spoken over chorus:)
They say that history is written by the victors
But how can there be a victor when the war isn't over
The battle has only just begin
And the creator is sending his very best warriors
And this time it isn't just Indians vs. cowboys
Now, this time, it is all the beautiful races of humanity
Together on the same side
And we are fighting to replace our fear - with love
And this times bullets & arrows & cannonballs won't save us
The only weapons that will help us in this battle
Are the weapons of truth, faith, and compassion.
- lyrics & music by Lyla June. All rights reserved.