We have asked Folkways to run off a supply of CDs of this classic labor LP!
This stunning collection comes in 2 parts: The first portion (tracks 8-13 below) was originally released by the Almanac Singers (Pete Seeger, Lee Hays & Millard Lampell) in 1941 as a 78 album.
Folkways re-issued this recording in 1955 as an LP with 7 additional union songs (tracks 1-7 below) recorded by Pete with an impromptu chorus called The Song Swappers. Wiki article
Tracks on this CD:
Pete Seeger & the Song Swappers
1. We Shall Not Be Moved (w: textile workers, m:trad. gospel)
2. Roll the Union On (John Handcox & Lee Hays)
3. Casey Jones -The Union Scab (w:Joe Hill, m:trad.)
4. Miner's Lifeguard
5. Solidarity Forever (w:Ralph Chapin m:trad. "Battle Hymn of the Republic")
6. You've Got to Go Down & Join the Union (Woody Guthrie)
7. Hold the Fort (trad. 19th c. union words from Knights of Labor, m: Phillip Bliss gospel song 1870)
Almanac Singers
8. Get Thee Behind Me Satan
9. Union Maid (w:Woody Guthrie m: trad. "Red Wing")
10. I Don't Want Your Millions Mister (w:Jim Garland m:trad. "East Virginia")
11. Talking Union (Almanac Singers)
12. Union Train
13. Which Side Are You On? (w:Florence Reese m:trad. "Lay the Lily Low")