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You are invited to this Earth Day Celebration of songs of joy, resilience, and justice from 5-7pm on Saturday, April 22nd, at Hanover Friends Meeting. This will be a free family-friendly event as a celebration of Earth Day. A light meal of pizza and salad will be available at 4pm before the concert.
It is also being live-streamed via ZoomIf you wish to attend in person you can simply come to the meetinghouse in Hanover. Use this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6106490727?pwd=Y0pySVJzY3kzYkVCaHNvZDRaLzl5UT09
Meeting ID: 610 649 0727 Passcode: Peace
One tap mobile +16469313860,,6106490727#,,,,*474292# US
Dial by phone: 646 931 3860 (US) Meeting ID: 610 649 0727 Passcode: 474292
This is a free concert. You do not need to purchase a ticket to attend either in person or online.
This concert is a benefit for No Coal / No Gas, a group of nonviolent activists working to preserve our planet by shutting down the final coal-operated power plant in New England and resist the turn to fracked natural gas as an alternative. We are not selling tickets but will accept donations for No Coal / No Gas. 100% of donations will go to No Coal / No Gas. You can contribute either on this site or at the concert via cash or check. You can also donate now or during the concert at the No Coal/No Gas website. Leif Taranta from No Coal / No Gas will be present at the concert to talk about their work.
COVID precautions:
- Masking is encouraged but not required during the concert. (Annie & Peter will not be masked while performing.)
- The meetingroom where the concert is being held is well-ventilated with a strong air purification system.
- We encourage you to self-test prior to concert. Please stay away if you have a recent exposure.
Group singing during concert:
- Audience will be invited to join in on most songs. We will listen to Annie's voice on some songs.
- Annie & Peter will be leading the audience in singing out of their songbooks Rise Up Singing and Rise Again on many songs.
- Bring copies of these songbooks if you have them. (Copies of the songbooks will be available to buy or borrow at the concert.)
We hope you can join us!
(The name of this concert is inspired by the title track of Fred Small's 1989 debut album.)